Innovative Therapies for Children with Cancer Paediatric Preclinical Proof-of-Concept Platform (ITCC-P4) is a newly formed public-private partnership supported by the European consortium "Innovative Medicines Initiative" (IMI). The consortium with currently 26 partners from 10 countries aims to establish 420 new patient-derived preclinical models of high-risk pediatric tumors which will be fully characterized (molecularly, immunologically, pharmacologically and clinically well-annotated) and to build a sustainable comprehensive platform to use these models for drug testing. It brings together many of Europe's most distinguished academic and clinical research institutions, well established Small-to-Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs), members of the European Biopharmaceutical Enterprises (EBE) and the members of the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) thus providing a unique setting to improve patient outcomes by introducing new and effective medicines in standard of care of young people still dying of these rare cancers.
Data Content Type
Clinical, Genomics/Omics, Xenograft